Vanpooling Has Never Looked So Good!

Meet Vanity Vanpool
The cosmo-girl version of a hero, Vanity Vanpool is known for getting out of a tight situation with style. After heading up the cosmetics division of her father's company, Vanity made the decision to strike out on her own. Second in command of Team RideFinders, Vanity takes her role on the Team very seriously; the only thing more important than her designer handbags is the Team's mission. When she's on the clock, she leaves her jet-set lifestyle at home and gives 110% to her responsibilitites, which include vanpool creation and member matching. These roles cause Vanity to work closely with Mrs. Match, forming a very interesting combination since the two are quite possibly polar opposites.
SAVE money. REDUCE commuter stress. PROTECT the environment!
If you commute 25 miles or more, vanpooling is the perfect solution to saving money instead of driving alone. Vanpooling is a great opportunity to meet new friends and relax on your way to work while someone else does the driving. RideFinders can help you start a vanpool by matching you with at least seven (7) people to share the ride and commuting cost to and from work.
To find or start a vanpool: register online, view our active vanpool listings, or call RideFinders at 804-643-7433 (RIDE) or 800-693-7433 (RIDE).
PRINT the RideFinders Benefits of Vanpooling flyer. Share with your co-workers, family, neighbors and friends!
Already vanpooling? Record your vanpool trips and earn redeemable points for rewards such as restaurant coupons, retailer discounts, and tickets to shows and attractions.
How do I start a vanpool? It's easy.
- Register. It only takes a few minutes!
- Or call 804-643-RIDE.
- We'll help match you with at least seven (7) other commuters interested in vanpooling.
How do I get a ride on an existing vanpool?
- View the active vanpool listing!
- Or call 804-643-7433 (RIDE) to speak to our Account Executives for seat availability.
Benefits of Vanpooling:
- Economical. Shared expenses between vanpool riders. In a typical vanpool, seven to fifteen commuters ride together.
- Eco-friendly. Improve air quality by reducing vehicle emissions.
- Convenient. One monthly payment covers the cost of the vehicle, insurance, maintenance, and fuel.
- Comfort. Relax, read, sleep, or work while riding in roomy vans.
Where do I meet my vanpool to get to work?
Each vanpool sets its own route and schedule based on the needs of its members. Depending on the residence of each passenger, vanpools may have several pick-up points or one pick-up location. Your group also decides convenient drop-off points near your worksite. In most cases, vanpoolers meet their rides at Park & Ride lots.
How much does it cost?
Each passenger pays a monthly payment that covers the vehicle, maintenance, insurance, gas, parking, applicable sales tax and tolls. The price varies according to the vanpool group's size and the length of your commute.
Who drives the van?
The driver is a commuter who volunteers to drive the vanpool daily, often in exchange for a free commute. Vanpool drivers must possess a valid driver's license and may need to meet additional requirements as determined by vanpool vendors.
Where do I get the van?
RideFinders works with three vendors- K & K Connections, Ride EZ and Enterprise- to provide vans to riders. K & K Connections, Ride EZ and Enterprise own their vans. You lease from one of these three vendors. RideFinders is your liaison to these companies.
Do I have to make a long-term commitment to a vanpool?
Vanpooling requires only a 30-day commitment. Passengers must give a month's notice to the driver when planning to leave the van. The vehicle lease offers a 30-day cancellation provision, so there is no long-term financial commitment by the driver of the group.
What happens if there's an emergency and I need to leave early or my boss asks me to work late without notice?
Learn more and register for the Connecting Ride Home Reward Program. If you are not eligible for the ConnectingVA Ride Home Reward Program, learn more about the Emergency Ride Home program provides a safety net in the event of an emergency or having to work late for registered commuters who vanpool at least three days a week.
What happens when the van needs maintenance?
Ongoing maintenance is included in your monthly fee. When the van is due for maintenance, just contact your vendor to make arrangements.
How can we get more riders for our vanpool?
RideFinders is committed to recruiting riders through its computerized ride matching system as well as employer worksites. All passengers can participate in recruiting new riders by distributing flyers and displaying posters, provided by RideFinders, at work and in their communities.
ADA Mobility Issues
Vanpools are available to the general public and will not be restricted to specific clients, employers or other affinity groups. Individuals are given the opportunity to join a vanpool as long as the individual shares the same work arrival/departure times and travel origins/destinations as other vanpool members. The vanpool will provide sufficient number of accessible vehicles to meet the needs of passengers with ADA mobility issues in such that persons with ADA mobility issues are not excluded from participating in the vanpool program. (CFR 49 Part 37-38)
Vanity VanpoolSM, Mrs. MatchSM, and the entire Team RideFindersSM thank you for vanpooling!
Help RideFinders show Central Virginia that alternative transportation works!